Friday, November 9, 2007

Rajesh Progress Report


  • I have done the "impossible" [or at least, what others have argued is impossible]: Developing the automation script that linked everything together.
  • Worked with Zhe, Joe, Ian, and Nathan to connect and standardize everything
  • Spent a full 30 hours working [and spent many hours trying to get people to finish their parts]

On the Docket

  • Cleaning up the code base
  • Preparing framework for the future steps
  • Developing documentation

Progress Report: Zhe Chen 11-09-07

  • The algorithm is now fully integrated with Joe's code on grabbing data from the database.
  • Weights are now used to calculate the primary and secondary values, currently set to a set of default values.
  • Algorithm can now take any number of players to insert into the player pool and grab data from.
  • Outputs either verbose team makeup and data, or a teamlist that can be read by gsd.perl for automated team matching.
  • Helped Rajesh integrate the entire automation process.
  • Researched how to name/ID CS:Source Bots.

GSD Blog

Hello, This blog will be used to keep a steaming line of communication with everyone involved in the project. Everyone is encouraged to use it as a notification system, but it's not particularly effective as a chat medium, so I suggest using it for announcements, questions, etc.

I will be updating it with relevant information on a weekly, likely more often, basis, and would like everyone to subscribe to it, so that you're notified when changes are made.

It will be linked off of our Wiki for easy access as well.

PHP Collab isn't done yet, but I will notify when I've set it up.