Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nathan - 12/2

Finalized linear regression by throwing away all the code and doing it in Matlab. Compared results against commercial software and they matched; a success in less than an hour's time.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Progress Report Zhe Chen 11-30-07

Had some problems with google account over the break, finally fixed it.
-Wrote C++ implementations of Matrix Multiplication and Matrix Transpose, along with a few useful Matrix related functions.
-Tested the algorithms with R generated matrixes
-Wrote Normalization algorithm for normalizing data before sending it to the Linear Regression Algorithm

Monday, November 26, 2007

Joe's Progress Report 11/26/07

This past week I created a new learning algorithm document which incorporated criticisms regarding the last one. I also updated the Makefile so that it will automatically compile the code required for the parser in addition to the code required for the matching algorithm. Over the coming week I plan to code the learning algorithm and integrate it with the matching algorithm and the parser.