Saturday, November 24, 2007

Massive Update - Mo

Ok, A massive update was enacted earlier this week. The Wiki will be fully updated when we return on Tuesday, as I will need to make sure all the documentation is properly accessible on the Wiki, and Bin and I are going back and archiving a lot of information that was lost in the crash.

A large amount of documentation has been sent out to all of you, including an Excel sheet which constitutes our Gantt Chart.

Please read over the documentation and submit edits in the format I requested in the e-mail. Please DO NOT use MSFT Word's show edits feature as it is extremely difficult to use when multiple people edit a document.

DotProject is fully running now. DotProject is a collaborative software tool used mainly by LARGE-scale software project production, etc. Nevertheless I think it is a useful tool and hope it proves thus.

I have linked it off the Wiki:

Your Login is your UNI, and the passwords are the same as the Wiki.

Professors and Lance, your login is "faculty" with the passwords also the same.

The software tracks dependencies, and notes progress and the interdependence of projects with each other.

Already some comments have been made on the Gantt Chart, and I will update it as necessary on Monday (I can't access my machine right now).

Testing is about to commence, and I will discuss with Mitchell a human playtest on 30November (Friday).

In addition I have been monitoring communication concerning the Linear Regression programming, and Bin and Zhe were able to test the matrix multiplication element.

Nathan Reports that his element is complete and requires a holistics check.

Bin and Calvin I will hold both of you to this task, as everyone else is very busy at the moment, and you're both intimately familiar with the regression and what it should do.

Calvin - I would also like a situation report concerning TrueSkill, given your recent revelation - that project is of extremely high priority.

Joe reports LA development is underway.

Rajesh, Ian and myself are a bit behind on the QC Module discussion, and will be meeting Monday or Tuesday latest for hopefully the last discussion - Zhe will then be tasked with coding it, as was discussed.

I hope you all have a good weekend, and as usual I sleep only every 2 days... so call me at ANY time with questions, concerns, etc.

Solo en muerte hace el fin de deber.

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