Thursday, February 14, 2008

Welcome New Members of GSD!

Welcome to our group's Development and Communication Blog. We generally use this to report milestones - completion of objectives, and/or status reports if you're late, or you're having trouble - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE RSS FEED AND REQUEST AN E-MAIL WHEN A NEW POST IS MADE SO YOU KNOW TO CHECK IT... UNLESS YOU'RE COMPULSIVE AND WILL REMEMBER TO CHECK EVERY DAY...

Now there are a lot of us, and no one obviously can keep track of you... I expect communication to be brisk and healthy - both on forums and the blog. If it's not, someone will have to get executed - this is our standard method for raising morale. Those of you who are familiar with your Great Patriotic War history will doubtless be receptive to our rather harsh methods.

That being said, our Hold the Line Doctrine is in effect as of NOW. That means that the sole concern of myself and the other 2 managers will be to hold down the front line - if you fall behind, don't check e-mails, don't reply, disapear from this S/T dimension, etc. no one will know... until whatever you're supposed to do doesn't get done... DO NOT FALL BEHIND - I KNOW IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING NOW... BUT JUST WAIT UNTIL THE REAL STUFF STARTS - I ASSURE YOU ORGANIZED CHAOS IS THE STEADY STATE SOLUTION HERE... IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER.

I recommend the best way to stay in touch is to build networks with 2 or 3 other GSD members whoever they are and always communicate with them - that way you don't have to always look for someone else, but have a known "buddy" if you will. Groups of 3 are thought in most military science and management circles to be optimal. I concur.

I reiterate this point - the blog is for GROUP WIDE communications - when you need everyone to know something - put it here. If you want to annouce something - put it here. E-mailing works as well, but that's a bit cumbersome because you have to e-mail everyone - put it here and a discussion can take place.

You'll all be receiving an e-mail from me soon.

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